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Alexander Cross

Worship is an old era concept that does not exist today in this Age of Grace being replaced by our relationship with God through His indwelling Spirit. Tithes, disciples, water baptism, temples, church buildings, animal sacrifices, Jews, the Jewish religion, and the Jewish Jesus also ended two thousand years ago before the Age of Grace began. We live in a totally different word today, far from the first century Jews and the Old Testament era.

This book is an excellent Bible study tool. See more information at the bottom of the page.

The Christian Mirage is also available online as a self-directed study course.

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Back Cover


Here you can view the Table of Contents

for The Christian Mirage


If you read this book it will change the way you view your religion. 


Neither Christians nor the Christian religion appears anywhere in the Bible. 

Stated Intent

The goal of The Christian Mirage is not only to inform, but to give you a command of this subject. 

Getting on The Right Ship

In this Age of Grace, God replaced worship with relationship. Following a worship religion today is not biblical…

The Truth of the Spirit

There is an old era and a new era divided by the gift of God’s Spirit. Confusing the two renders the Bible unusable. 

What if They Never Hear

Some who follow Christianity believe that anyone not hearing about Jesus are lost and that everyone must “hear and confess” and Christians must tell them. Not true…


Numerous factions of Protestant religion follow their own ideas they created from Bible words taken out of context. What they believe is not in the Bible.


The concept of evangelism as understood today does not exist in the Bible. Nor do Christians or Christianity. 

The False Jesus Church

False religions focus on a Jesus character that you will not find in the Bible. This chapter describes one such church.

A Half Message, Half Truth

Evangelists of mid to late 2oth century promoted an artificial Jesus resulting in the Jesus religions of today…

Fun Facts

You will find over 200 Fun Facts about religion, the Bible, Jesus, God, and more that you have never heard. 

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The Perfect Bible Study Tool !

The Christian Mirage is the perfect Bible study tool, as it is the only book available in the world today that will explain God, God’s gospel message that He gives to us in this Age of Grace (not the gospel of Jesus), as well as explaining Christianity, the old and new eras, the old era Jewish Jesus, God’s Christ Jesus, the Christian religion’s false Jesus, the Bible, Bible construction, Bible timing, religion, the history of religion, evangelism, evangelists, tithing, and Satan’s schemes that he works against you through your religion—everything you never heard and never knew, all in this book. If you ever wondered what the truth of God, the Bible, and religion looks like, here it is. Religion of any kind cannot tell you these things because it does not know these things. And this book will tell you why religion lacks this information.

Reading this book, you will see things in the Bible you have never seen or understood before, and you will learn things about your religion that will surprise you; things you do not know now and will otherwise never know―unless you read this book. You will quickly see and understand the truth and know more about God, the Bible, and religion than you can imagine or think possible, and that in a very short time―minutes, not years. You will know and understand more than anyone else you know or have ever known, and more than anyone you have ever heard—including your pastor, priest, minister, the evangelists, and the religious authors, professors, and teachers of our day and days past.

You will discover truths you never found in any church, religion, on the internet, in commentaries, in any book that you have ever read, or in any other book that you will ever read. Reading this book will completely change the way you see and understand the Bible, religion, your church, Jesus, the Spirit of God, and God.

In fact, as incredible and impossible as it may sound, and though you cannot believe it now, reading this book, you will know more about religion, God, God’s Spirit, Jesus, Christ, Christianity, the Bible, and Satan than anyone who ever followed the Christian religion over the last nineteen centuries. And you will know and understand why they did not and do not know and why God is now revealing this information to the world today.



Think about it: 550+ pages of truth from the Bible you have never heard or known―on every page and in every paragraph; information no one you know has ever heard; information that will shock you and completely change everything you ever thought you knew about your religion, the Bible, Jesus, God’s Spirit, and God.

You cannot believe the things hidden from you and why, all revealed and answered in this book. And you will finally understand this very simple book called the Bible that Satan, through all the religions and throughout all the centuries, has hidden and confused, held from you your entire life and the lifetimes of every Christian who ever lived in the last nineteen hundred years. When you see behind Satan’s curtain of deception that he perpetrated on mankind through religion these last two millennia, you will recognize and know the truth at once; you will know that this truth is in the Bible, that it is from God, and it will convince you beyond a shadow of a doubt that what passes for religion today has led you and the world astray and away from God since the second century.


The Christian Mirage is priceless. What price do you place on your eternity? The vast majority of those who follow Christianity are blinded and deceived by Satan through their religion. Without the truth they do not have eternal salvation. They think they do. Reading this book, you will find the truth about God, the indwelling Spirit of God, a relationship with God, a new changed life with God, and eternal salvation with God—none of which religion of any kind understands, nor can any of them provide these to you or anyone else—though they talk incessantly about such things.

Nor do the vast majority of churchlings and individuals in the world today possess the truth, salvation, the Spirit of God, or a relationship with God, though they believe they do through water baptism, good deeds, candles, prayers, church attendance, religious affiliation, or following Christianity’s version of the false Jesus god that they worship. You will see how and why these many religions of Christianity failed centuries ago, why they are in complete apostasy today, and why the world is a spiritual wasteland void of the truth. Reading this book, you will know the truth and you cannot put a price on this knowledge and what it means for your life and eternity.

And though you will not believe it and cannot see it now, this book can save you tens of thousands of dollars by revealing and explaining the truth behind Christianity’s tithe scheme used against you and others in religions today and for centuries past.

Do not think these words are hype, exaggeration, “too good to be true,” or empty promises written to hock a book. What is said here is the reality you will find once you see the truths that this book contains. Seeing and knowing the truth will change your life and your eternity.


The Christian Mirage is designed to bring you up to speed quickly, taking you from 0 to 100 in 6 seconds flat and usually taking only seven days to completely master the truth. Does that sound impossible? The truth is so simple. That’s the point: deception and confusion in religion make everything frustrating and impossible to ever understand, keeping you perpetually and permanently seeking, trying to find the truth your entire life and never succeeding. You will never find the truth following that mirage called Christianity–and you will die trying because the truth is not there for you to find and never was. You will never understand the Bible or God by following a religion of any kind. Satan has seen to that. God’s truth is simple and easy. He made the Bible that way so that everyone can see the truth. It is Satan through religion that hides the truth from you. You only need to see this truth, just a glimpse, and you will understand immediately and completely. That’s what this book is all about.

I think you will agree that this is the most valuable, insightful, informative, profitable, comprehensive, eye-opening, revealing, and the fastest Bible study you will ever complete in your life. And though it sounds incredible, outlandish, preposterous, and ridiculous, and you will not accept it or believe it now, but this is the last Bible study you will ever need! You will know it all!


When you consider all this book has to offer both you and your family for today and eternity, you could pay ten thousand times the price, and it would be by far and away the greatest bargain you would ever find in your lifetime. It will amaze you to see how much you can get, how valuable the information is, and how much it will change your life for so little spent—less than the price of two dinners at a cheap restaurant—before tax and tip.

Or, START READING RIGHT NOW!  For the price of a hamster, take the self-directed, interactive, online study course and begin reading immediately. You will have access to the full book online for 10 weeks in course form

Considering everything, not the least is the fortune you will save in tithes, you simply cannot afford not to buy this book! It will pay for itself thousands of times over monetarily, physically, spiritually, and eternally.

…and the price incudes tax and shipping to you direct from Barnes & Noble.

Would you not trade the cost of a dinner out or the price of a small rodent for the truth that no one has heard for two millennia? Truth that will change your life and your eternity? Is the price of a book not worth the change you will make in the futures of those whom you know now and others you will one day meet?

These words will feed your soul and set you free from centuries of religious error, befuddlement, deception, confusion, and misunderstanding. And for most everyone who reads this book, it will give them a new life both here on earth and in eternity with God in Heaven―an eternity that churchlings believe they have but do not due to Satan deceiving them through his false religions with his false proxy.

The Christian Mirage book and course are only available through


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